My name is Jason and I live in a small town in IL, called New Boston.
I lost the job I had. That is where you have come in. Several years ago a friend of mine, in Phoenix, told me about you. I went out and found your Attract Money Now E-Book. The best thing I have come across to date is ho'oponopono!
Thanks to God for giving me some good intuition, I was able to come across articles and information on ho'oponopono. Then I found out that you also use this method. I have since purchased The Attractor Factor, and I have purchased the book Zero Limits. It is golden stuff.
You have helped me change my thought process as it relates to money!
I now see money as something that everyone can have and that there is plenty of it. I have even started to write things such as THANKS on my checks if I pay a bill. If I pay that bill online, I say THANKS while doing so. I'm also writing a book and I am going to share what I have learned over the past 12 years with others. I'm glad that you do the work that you do!
And it sounded weird when I first said it, but now the phrase "I LOVE YOU" has such a deeper meaning for me.